Amiable Anglicans

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The Church of England is England's historic Church. At the time of the split with Rome, it held on to the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist [views differ on Confession, Confirmation, Unction, Marriage and Holy Orders] and to the ancient "orders" of Bishop, Priest and Deacon.

With Britain's colonial expansion, ANGLICANISM spread through the colonies - starting with America. Today we have the EPISCOPAL CHURCH of the USA (ECUSA) and countless independent but related Anglican Churches across the globe. All look to the Archbishop of Canterbury as "primus inter pares" - "first among equals."

Anglicans hold the middle way between Rome (and the Pope) and Geneva (John Calvin.) In the Church of England, as in other churches of the
ANGLICAN COMMUNION you can find people who make Rome look Protestant and Calvin loving, tolerant and open-minded by comparison.

But most are in the middle, holding SCRIPTURE, TRADITION (a living, changing stream) and REASON in balance. To be an Anglican, you don't have to be a bible-bashing fundamentalist; you don't have to hang on to things which were culturally conditioned and clearly out-dated. You are CLEARLY not allowed to leave your brain on the doorstep when entering church.

Anglicans are TRINITARIAN - experiencing that God is one, but relates to us as the Father who made us and loves us, the Son who draws us back to that love, and the Holy Spirit who makes God's love real in the world today.

Many Anglicans use vestments, candles and incense, and there is a wonderful Anglican Musical Tradition. Others prefer it plain and simple.

Anglican, at is best, is about loving, caring and sharing - and FUN. We believe that Jesus laughed a lot, even if the po-face Gospel Writers (bless them) left out most (not all) of the funny bits.

Your average Anglican Church (which, like the man in the street doesn't exist) is open, loving, welcoming - and bothered about Social Justice. Anglican priests (often) try to meet you where you are, but would not be unkind enough to leave you there.

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