Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 18th November 2000

0 Conversations

Here is a list of the Researchers who joined h2g2 over the last 12 days. Posted by vegiman:-)

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U159224  Drathlor - Dark Elf
U159225  Liffer
U159227  Researcher 159227
U159234  nica
U159237  Spud
U159244  The Jet
U159252  Sheepwash
U159254  Astr™nomo
U159258  Tiger Drummer
U159265  Jello

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U159276  Researcher 159276
U159278  Medium
U159280  Don & Barb
U159281  Kid C (Karma Policeman)
U159282  M. J. Gumby
U159285  vortexbutthair
U159292  ThatDamnGuy
U159295  Researcher 159295
U159297  Reginalda Hatbox
U159301  Researcher 159301

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U159303  Researcher 159303
U159306  Fizzbin Lonnie
U159307  berman-x
U159311  Dan
U159316  LoFiAllstar
U159324  Me, Esq
U159325  Mandrake & Dr-Fraud
U159336  The Admiral
U159347  TAB
U159348  snapdadtv

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U159351  Crazy Pete
U159354  Dentarthurdent
U159365  Steve
U159371  Stieffel Knower of the Song of the Cebu
U159382  Vanilla Seaweed
U159384  Bentley Tock
U159391  Merangadan
U159392  CenTexMan
U159393  Lord Q'Daan
U159399  The Alone Ranger

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U159402  Researcher 159402
U159412  Researcher 22
U159441  Duck Arse
U159450  Researcher 159450
U159456  Researcher 159456
U159461  Hoeschsonne
U159464  The_German_Caty
U159466  Researcher 159466
U159468  temporary (R159468)
U159471  Flyer

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U159479  Sol
U159489  Researcher 159489
U159492  Robbie mayhem
U159506  kaspian
U159507  pyrolatrix
U159511  Dolphinnius
U159512  Tech-viking
U159513  JLC the TTP
U159515  laetamorgan
U159519  Fred Quint

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U159522  sarah_benevolent_despot_of_the_universe
U159531  Shadow
U159543  pneuma_cat 159543
U159545  HasseMan
U159561  Researcher 159561
U159562  funko
U159566  Researcher 159566
U159567  Big Shep
U159569  Dizman
U159570  silkworm

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U159579  Wedge
U159583  Capt. Blovitch
U159586  clyde
U159601  Researcher 159601
U159613  Researcher 159613
U159624  Jim Pooley is back
U159628  Al
U159633  Zahneel
U159636  NukeNet

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U159643  Bismark71
U159655  Satellites
U159657  pyramid
U159661  Elwood Blues
U159663  Researcher 159663
U159677  eileen
U159683  Researcher 159683
U159686  Tieles
U159688  Researcher 159688
U159689  Researcher 159689

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U159694  Researcher 159694
U159718  Researcher 159718
U159725  Arem
U159733  Caius
U159736  Loki
U159744  Gabriel
U159749  gothic fairy
U159750  josh g.
U159777  Researcher 159777
U159782  Researcher 159782

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U159784  tubeguy
U159785  Researcher 159785
U159802  Researcher 159802
U159823  mostly harmless
U159841  Organoman
U159846  Monkeyboy
U159851  Researcher 159851
U159852  Wizard
U159853  Researcher 159853, LeisureCity Jeff

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U159856  Rev. mojo, The Ineffable
U159867  munki-boy
U159871  smart
U159879  Spoque
U159884  Researcher colona
U159891  r0sc0 p!
U159899  Bones
U159901  Researcher 159901
U159911  Researcher 159911
U159912  FireDragon

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U159917  Solong42
U159920  Quiggles
U159922  Researcher 159922
U159925  Beamish & Cinders
U159930  Researcher 159930
U159932  Bad Case
U159937  Squidlord
U159938  Researcher 159938
U159940  Researcher 159940
U159943  Researcher 159943

14) Newcomers 131 to 140 (n)

U159948  dentArthurDent
U159951  Researcher 159951
U159957  Researcher 159957
U159958  Researcher 159958
U159960  Lobster!
U159965  SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)
U159994  gso
U160009  Stu
U160010  Researcher 160010
U160011  Shinobi

15) Newcomers 141 to 150 (o)

U160020  Researcher 160020
U160028  Andrew 160028
U160031  stooge
U160042  Researcher 160042
U160044  Kosh42
U160055  Dangermouse
U160057  Zaphod Beeblebrox
U160063  Researcher 160063
U160070  Barton
U160077  Brakob

16) Newcomers 151 to 160 (p)

U160078  Researcher 160078
U160079  Researcher 160079
U160086  Researcher 160086
U160102  w.d.t.m
U160105  Phalkin
U160110  maspermike
U160111  Java 160111
U160126  Sir Tibley
U160132  PacoTate
U160145  mtg

17) Newcomers 161 to 170 (q)

U160149  Tiger
U160155  Researcher 160155
U160158  The Wonder Cow
U160161  GinTonyx
U160172  Researcher 160172
U160179  Researcher Bradley
U160186  Your Friendly Neighborhood Raven
U160201  E«s alter ego ( Muse of Melancholy and Art Lego)
U160206  floater
U160215  womandroid

18) Newcomers 171 to 180 (r)

U160230  Researcher 160230
U160237  can't find
U160241  Jinx
U160244  Crumanoid prince
U160257  AllyCatPrd
U160259  The Man
U160283  Solamente
U160288  Arsonor
U160292  angrycurtis
U160296  killerqueen

19) Newcomers 181 to 190 (s)

U160300  Tempest
U160302  Warlord
U160319  Mac
U160337  Researcher 160337
U160347  Researcher 160347
U160350  RESI
U160355  Silver demon
U160357  Researcher 160357
U160361  Dane Vega
U160363  Redpaw

20) Newcomers 191 to 200 (t)

U160364  Prophet
U160365  Nick
U160371  White Crow Draco
U160384  Ju, Researcher 160384
U160391  Ford Prefect
U160396  Researcher 160396
U160408  Researcher 160408
U160414  Besseda
U160418  Vapor Snake
U160422  SmokinTons

21) Newcomers 201 to 210 (u)

U160427  Anakinate
U160431  Slartibartfast
U160432  Ark
U160436  Clifford Mortimer Fitzgerald Masters (the third), a.k.a. "Two-Leg" (humanoid). *german* (don't mention the w-word)
U160439  Ghost
U160452  Marcu
U160460  The Intrepid Intrinsic
U160461  PussArtist
U160465  Terran Ambassador
U160474  greenman

22) Newcomers 211 to 217 (v)

U160478  Synthetic
U160479  Researcher OU812
U160483  noprob
U160489  Yeva
U160493  Researcher 160493
U160497  Researcher Qwkslvr
U160514  Juz

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