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~This is from an earlier post, which I decided to move to my 'pages' section~

You never really consider the infinite means of conversation we have today... We can write a letter, but we can write it in any one of a hundred languages. We can use the phone line, but we can fax, call, or modem dial-in. You can use cable, watching TV or surfing the net. You can use the internet, through e-mail, Netmeeting, ICQ, IRC, web-based chat. So many ways, so little time.

But what do we use these methods for, for what reasons do we actually talk to our friends and family? Well, depends on the person. But most people, I imagine, are too busy to just take the time out of their day to tell someone how much they care? We have hundreds of ways to do this, yet no one ever does. If the person is in the room, give them a hug, tell them how you feel. If they're next door, go visit them, stay for a while, and reminisce. If they're across town or across the world, e-mail them.

Just a few simple words can make someone's day brighter, happier, and full of life. Take the time out of your day to use one of these methods of communication to tell someone how you feel. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

If you're wondering why I chose friends and conversation as my topic for the day, then I will tell you. This morning, I woke up and went on the internet. On ICQ was a friend of mine from Israel. We said our hellos, and then she disconnected, as she had to, and then I disconnected as well, and called her (after wrangling with an operator for 10 minutes). We talked for a good hour or so, and then she said to say goodbye, and we did. I went online then, and talked to some of my other friends over ICQ for a while. Then I was sadly forced off the phone line. Blast! Then, four hours later, I took control again, and logged on. As it had been earlier that morning and later that day, my ICQ list was chock full of people to talk to, and so I did, I said hello to a good friend of mine from Seattle. We're talking still, to this minute, actually.

And I'm thinking to myself, how often do I actually tell these people, who I talk to via so many mediums so many times a day, how often do I tell them how much I care about them, and how much a part of my life they are? Well, perhaps you also should think about the same thing. Perhaps now would be a good time to reach out and touch someone.

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