Clifford about Hamburg ! Part 1: General Information

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The city of Hamburg (the free and hanseatic city, that is) is located by the river Elbe in northern germany. The second largest german city features europes biggest container harbour and the world's probably most famous red light district.

After reading these stunning facts you might expect a lot of smut and noise going on in that town.

You shoot, you score.

But Hamburg has more: more consulates than New York, about 5 times more bridges and channels than venice/italy, a beautiful and only slightly polluted lake (the Alster) in the middle of the city and lots of parks and trees among beautiful buildings.

Just rent a rowing boat and explore this beautiful city.
And if you accidentially fall into the Alster, your dermatologist could afford to buy another Porsche.

I wrote this short introduction because I found lots of "Hamburg" entries but almost nothing interesting.
In the near future, I will post a lot of information about Hamburg. Just search for "Clifford about Hamburg".

See you then!

Clifford M. F. Masters (the third)
Hamburg Resident
November 2000

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