Mr. T
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Anyone who wishes to put the smack down on fools must follow Mr. T's guidelines for putting the smack down on fools. Specifically, section 2, paragraphs 8.
"You must show no mercy to any fool that you wish to put the smack down on. They must first be tracked down. This is the easy step, as fools are notorious for the sheer foolishness of their actions. Anyone worthy of putting the smack down on fools should be able to track a fool down. If the fool eludes you, you must be a fool. I pity you.
After the fool have been tracked down, you must repeatedly bash the fool with your almighty fool-bashin' power. If you don't have almighty fool-bashin' power, you should not attempt to bash the fool. If I am in the area, you may contact me to help you bash the fool into submission. If you can't contact me, you must be a fool. I pity you. Afterwards, hang your head for a moment to realize the terrible situation and the terrible pain the fool must be in. Pity the fool. (See my guidelines on Pitying Fools for rules.)"
For identification, he wears 57 pounds of gold chains, has a mohawk and beard, a hulking stature and is easily capable of bashin' fools with his almighty power. He is extremely dangerous, invincible, and does not enjoy flying.