The Moon-Walk

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Nothing to do with Neil Armstrong’s lunar shenanigans, the Moon-Walk is a dance move mastered and popularised by Michael Jackson.

Where did it originate?

No he didn’t invent it. The Moon-Walk came into existence in the 1980’s and was performed by breakdancers, usually on lino1, with a backing track of Breakbeat and Electro.

An outstanding choreographer and dancer, Michael adopted the move and on May 16 1983 brought it into the arena of popular culture when he busted it on stage whilst performing ”Billie Jean” on NBC’s Motown 25 TV special. He has since made it one of his signature moves, along with the ‘multiple spin’ and the ‘family-jewel crusher’ - aaaow!

How do you do it?

To achieve the ‘sliding-gracefully-backwards-whilst-appearing-to-be-walking-forwards’ effect of the move needs a lot of study and practice. Sure, we all think it’s easy and may even try to demostrate it to others on occasion, but this usually results in a whole gaggle of irritating people going “look, I’ve got it”, while they jerk across the room with all the grace of a funky chicken.

The Technique

  1. With all your weight on your left foot place the toe of your right foot next to it
  2. Transfer your weight over to your right toe
  3. Slide your left foot backwards, bringing the heel off the floor
  4. Slide your right foot backwards, lowering the heel until flat2
    • Shout: 'ooooooooo!'
  5. Repeat steps 1. To 4. exchanging left foot for right and vice-versa
    • Shout: 'aaaaaaaow!'
  6. Repeat steps 1. To 4.
    • Shout: 'huh, yeeah!'
  7. Repeat steps 1. To 4. exchanging left foot for right and vice-versa
    • Shout: 'look, I’ve got it!'

Cogratulations – you’re a funky chicken

1[Abbreviation of Linoleum]: For its low-friction qualities (other breakdancing moves include the 'headspin' which, as its name suggests, is more comfortably performed on lino than Tarmac, for example.2At this point you should be in a position that mirrors that at step 1.

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