Circleville, Ohio USA

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Circleville is positioned 39.60 degrees north of the equator and 82.93 degrees west of the prime meridian. The amount of land area in Circleville is 10.631 sq. kilometers. The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers. The population of Circleville is approximately 11666. The approximate number of families in this town are 4881. In other words Circleville is located in central Ohio. It is small, boring and contains nothing at all interesting. Probably the most famous thing Circleville is known for is the Pumpkin Show. This is an annual festival held on the third Wensday of October and last until Saturday of the same week. Some of the attractions at this festival include the worlds largest pumpkin, the worlds largest pumpkin pie, and other various things related to pumpkins. It also has your standard carnaval rides and parades that are common at most festivals. It is advertised as being the greatest free show on earth, but it should be noted that rarely can one find anything at this festival for free. It should also be noted that if you do not live in Circleville that you must pay to park your car within a resonable proximity of the festivites. Prices can range from 3 dollars to 5 dollars. Circleville is also the birthplace of Ted Lewis. Ted Lewis has a small museum and local park named after him, other than that he did not seem to be overly important. No future presidents or anyone of importance are likely to come from this area.

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