A levels

3 Conversations

Anyone outside the UK probably wont have the faintest idea what these are, but anyone who's taking them, or who has taken them will know only too well. I'm taking mine next year, and the amount of stress and pressure can be overwhelming. Here are some deadly serious hints and tips to get you through.
1. Revision. By now you'll know how good you are at this. If you have problems with revision technique, now is the time to sort it out. Unlike GCSE's, A levels depend on good, well planned out revision, so don't think you can get away with reading your notes on the night before the exam!
2. Leisure. Make sure that you aren't working night and day. I always try to make time to go out with my friend, read a book, watch TV or just generally relax. Your brain will be much more receptive to information if you aren't tired or bored.
3. DON'T PANIC! Perhaps this should have been no.1! Even if you do do badly (which you won't if you follow these guidelines!) there are always other options. You can retake, or do something else next year, and when you're 17 or 18 you have all the time in the world to decide what to do with your life.
So, happy revising! from a slightly less stressed out A level student!

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