Tough Questions

1 Conversation

This is only the beginning of what I hope to be an ongoing series of thing I'm/other peole are wondering. It's in progress now cause I have no time, but I'm getting there!

Please respond to my questions, pose your own, any or none of the above, or anything else. Right now this is just a list of random questions that I came up with off the top of my head and a few from my friends, so if I can get anyone else here to read them, this might actually turn into something nice!

1. What is the difference between "liking" someone and wanting that person to be a close friend? What is the difference between true friendship and true love? Is there more to a romantic relationship than friendship + sexual attraction?

2. What is true friendship?

3. What is true love?

4. Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?

ok that's all for now. more later, from me or you hopefully!

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