They Drink Thier Own Bathwater

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Who does? Well, really anyone can. But only one specific group of people do it with relish. Children.
Hello and welcome. With this Entry I am trying to write a journal of happenings in my life with my children. I would like this to be a regular serial piece, perhaps at the H2G2 Post. We shall see. I spend alot of time with my kids. Alex is my step-son aged 5, my daughter Maggie is 2. My wife and I usually work opposing shifts, she in the p.m. and I in the a.m. So I am with them for the dying hours of the day. One of the activities that can be done in that time-frame is bathing.
No matter how much you ask them not to, in a variety of different non-threatening tones of voice, they still do it. Sometimes surreptisiously when you look away for a second; like when you pick up a washtowel or toy they know they are not supposed to throw out, but do anyway. Sometimes brazenly, they look you dead in the eye, and down goes the face to water level, and SLUUUUUUUUURP. They Drink Thier Own Bathwater. To be sure, you can be threatening. But where is the fun in that.

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