Audition "The Most Terrifying movie ever made"

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It is one of the landmarks in Asian horror movies and should be entered into the finished guide as such. It makes nearly ever man watching it cringe in total horror as they watch. The movie was made by a director named Takashi Miike one of the masters of horror due to the work that he accomplished on the film Audition. The movie was added into the list of Bravo's 100 scariest movie moments and rightly so.

The movie deals with a man who at the start of the film loses his wife and he is left to raise his son alone. When the boy is seventeen he is starting to date and tries to get his dad to start dating again as well. His friend who works at a movie studio has the same feelings and so he tries to get his friend back into the dating world. They decide to send call outs for a fake movie and ask for young girls that the main character would like to date. The girls all send in essay's and send in interviews that told about the directors about themselves. As Aoyama begging’s looking at one girl named Asami and during the interviews he picks her out of all the others because she is the odd ball. The movie has been compared to Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo because of the sense of suspense and apprehension that is built up during the course of the story telling.

Half way through the movie the man Aoyama begins to realize that the woman he has fallen in love is simply crazy and has been lying to everyone in the movie all this time. It is not until the last thirty minutes of the movie that he finds the apartment building Asami has and sees how dirty and emtpy her home is. It is now as he looks at the insanity in her life that he is attacked by her and she begins to torture him, by killing everyone in the world that matter to him so she can have him all to himself.

The Director of the movie Takashi Miike is one of the most renown of his day for making this film and was asked to make the hour long film Imprint. This was by far the most terrifying tale out of all the Masters of Horror series due to the stern unshaken reality of it. The movie resembles "Audition" in the sense that it builds up tension until the very last moments.

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