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How to find your true love

Have faith, that your paths will cross.
You will meet when the time is right.
Keep an open mind.
Look into a person's eyes, see their soul
NOT their outside.
Be honest, be faithful, be communicative.
Strive to make your lover happy.
Their happiness will be your reward.

Sexual Love

Once you and your lover have committed
to each other, your sex life will enrich
your love. You must never lose sight of your
friendship nor take one another for granted.
Aim to surprise one another, maybe once a week.
Never sleep on an arguement, always make up.
If you don't know what to say, say "I love you".

Paternal Love

If you are blessed with children, raise them
with tenderness, as a new plant, feed, water, tend.
Answer any questions with honesty, and never make a
promise you cannot keep.
Tell your child that you love them, that rules are
for their benefit, teach them to respect their
elders and their peers.
Help them with their homework, you never know what
YOU may learn {things have changed since you went
to school}!
Offer to help them with their problems but never
demand to know what is going on in their lives.
Children are individual human beings, not an
extension of you! Treat them with respect and they
will respect you in return.

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