Evolution Myth

1 Conversation

Evolution is a set of beliefs, a world-view that is the dominant paradigm in the scientific community, but it is not the only one. We should welcome proper discussion of the whole question of origins in the public education system. Such a discussion should acknowledge that scientific facts are always interpreted, and the interpretation depends on underlying philosophical assumptions.
Life is not something that could have evolved simply because it is a replicating system and the cell, could not have been the basis for all modern life forms simply because it would have been impossible for a single life cell to exist in isolation and without an eco-system, a brain or nervous system. The nervous system as I understand it has to be in place before the embryo of any species can develop so what determines the evolution of the brain and nervous system that are essential to the development of every living thing? Further more how is it possible for a species to replicate, making copies of itself without a nervous system and the interaction and union of a sexual partner where the two nervous systems join to produce an offspring?
David Mawer 02/02/09

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