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Christianity as documented in the Bible, is the belief in the truth of Jesus Christ the Messiah
of Judaism and is centered on His death and resurrection because that is what shook the earth so to say.
His death was that of which He was innocently crucified on a roman cross for the sins, faults, and sufferings
of the world in which we live. Three days after His death He rose from the grave and appeared
to many (John 20; Acts 1:3). Jesus has been proven through the testimony of His love and grace by
those who know Him, I personally could not explain the extreme love and security
and joy with which He holds me together each and every day, no other religion promises forgiveness
of sins like Jesus offered and no other religion is under total grace. Christianity, the belief on which
the United States was founded, was not and is not defined in such statements as "If you don't brush
your teeth you're going to hell", or "If you lie, cheat, or steal you're going to hell". The Bible, or the Word
of God tells us that Jesus loves us so much He, the King of kings and Lord of lords, died in our place
so that we could be with Him forever, no strings attached, many people think that God is someone
who is ready to strike us down without a moments notice or that God was made up, but the truth
is He is loving, personal, and caring about every detail of our lives, and all there is to do is love Him back
a Christian's mission is summed up in this: "Love God, love people", Christianity which is open to everyone,
is entered into, or in other words you can have a personal realtionship with Jesus Christ by believing that
He was sent from Heaven to die in your place for the sins that have seperated all of us from God and
accepting His forgiveness by asking Him for it as an example:

Dear Lord Jesus,
I realize that I have fallen short of
Your will for me and that I can't do anything without
You and ask that You come into my life, free me from
the bondage of sin that leads to death, I accept Your forgiveness
and I want to live a new life, a life for You

Not by works or by anything I can say or do by myself
but by your Holy Spirit,

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