The 2009 Linconln MKZ

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Where does one begin on this car. It's the absolute standard of monotony that is the American auto industry. This car is supposedly trying to catch in on the success of the BMW 5 and Audi A4 series. Let's see how it does.

Lets start with the looks. It is not ugly, but its not very pretty either. All the chrome and that grill looks like it belongs on well, a barbecue grill. The chromed up door mirrors look horribly out of place. The bulges in the bonnet are a nice touch. It's not obscene by any means, but its not quietly styled, especially when you walk around to the back. The brake lights are just insanely disproportionate, and don't seem to fit the car, or is it the other way around... Oh well.

As for the interior, its all not very well done. The one I tested had a cream leather interior with some black leather bits on the dash and a subtle dark wood (plastic) on the dash. It also has some chromed up air vents, but those did not stand out as much, no complaints about that. Apart from the silly little wood bits on the steering wheel, it was all very well done. The controls on the steering wheel were a nice touch, though there is about ten thousand buttons on the center console. The way the speedo and rev counter were set up was just dull, but, this is a dull car. [Though rev counters are unnecessary in an automatic] Also, there is one major, unavoidable fault with this cars interior. Its smaller than you would expect on the inside, and the headroom is lacking at best. If you are over 6ft do not even look at this car. For me it was almost undriveable. This car does have the Microsoft Sync system, which does put a dampener on whole experience. Most barely trust Bill Gates with their home computers, are they to trust him in a thirty grand-plus (US Dollars) car? It is honestly not very bad at all, but it doesn't leave a mark on you like a Jaguar, BMW, Audi, or even Volkswagen would. And the wood is fake too, whatever the salesman says...

Lets move along to the engine. It's a 263 brake horsepower un-turbochared un-superchared 3.5 liter engine. It does not excite. It's not under-powered, but they could have done better. The unconvincing engine is joined to a standard automatic gearbox, which in turn drives the front wheels.

As for the drive, well, it's not bad at all. The steering is clear and concise, if not sporty (don't buy this car because you want something that performs) but it does the job. The throttles a bit twitchy but the brakes are quite good. It is rather quiet as well, there's a bit of wind noise but not much else. Not even from the engine. You can jam the throttle to the floor and it just gives a sort of shrug, "Hmmm? What's that? You want something?" The transmission isn't particularly bright with heavy acceleration, but when your just cruising, it's brilliant. Smooth changes all the way up, doubt it will stay that way though. It's not a bad cruising vehicle. Not too bad when your touring on the highway or when your just wafting around town. The ride is comfortable as well, and the seats are absolutely great. Very relaxing, but not overly comfortable as to distract from the drive.

All taken in. It's not a bad car at all, just awfully lifeless. Nothing spectacular here, but it won't be going in the rubbish bin either. The interior is well done, but small. The engine is nothing special. And the outside looks just sort of let the whole thing go unnoticed. Also, with Lincoln's questionable history and the doubt in my mind about the actual reliability of their cars, I would advise any lookers to go elsewhere. Its not fun to drive, but not horrible. It's not cool to say, "I've just bought a Lincoln," but you feel a lot better than, "Hey guys, I've just picked up a Geo." All in all, not a bad car this, but nothing to make it stand out. It aimed at making something more of itself, and missed.

On another level this car has one of the greatest sins a car can have. Sure an absolutely awful car you can talk about, even use as a conversation piece. But this car, is just despicably mundane..

- Steven A.

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