facial tissues

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A facial (being an adjective for the word face, the area that contains most human sensors) tissue is:

A small square of soft material, created for the purpose of absorbing liquid byproduct from the "facial" area.

Facial tissue comes in a variety of types, colors, textures, thickness, shapes, and whatnot. It does bare some resemblance to toilet tissue, and may even be used in the same way, however this is not recommended for a few reasons:

1) Toilet tissue is cheaper than facial tissue.
2) Toilet tissue is usually stronger than facial tissue. This is a very important point when putting these products to this particular use.
3) Some facial tissues have oil in them. The purpose of this oil is to allow the area of the face being wiped to remain soft and not become raw (explained below). However, wiping other areas does not make them soft, but just oily, increasing discomfort, unless you like that sort of thing.

One of facial tissues most popular uses is in the removal of mucus from the nasal area of the face. This mucus, or "snot", is usually causing a disturbance. It can be a minor disturbance, such as streaming down the facial area, to a major disturbance, such as preventing air to flow through the nasal area, thus preventing breathing if the human involved is say, eating a donut, and thus killing the human.

With this in mind, one can use facial tissue to remove mucus from the nasal area by blowing fiercely into the tissue while holding it close to the "nose". This allows a sudden influx of air and creates a feeling of extreme pleasure in the human, kin to the feeling of ejaculation. However, this usually last an even shorter period.

Many times, humans become addicted to facial tissue, constantly "blowing their noses" while lying in bed, drinking hot fluids and moaning. Thus facial tissue can be seen as a sexual device as well.

If the practice of "blowing the nose" continues, the facial tissue can rub against the nose area too often and create friction burn, and thus make raw, itchy, sore skin. In light of this dilemma, many facial tissue producers have made tissues that contain trace amounts of oil to aid in the lubrication of the skin, making the whole experience that much more enjoyable.

Facial tissue is known as "tissue, Kleenex, puffs, hanky, and handkerchief." Currently, no one has been known to have killed someone with a facial tissue, as they are so soft.

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