"There is no conclusive proof" or “The sleeper’s Agenda”
Created | Updated Jan 31, 2009
People have written many scholarly texts and papers on the importance of sleep that have been mistaken and misunderstood by the general public. The idea that we were all taken in with when we were young is that sleep was something fun as well as good for us (as if). We have discovered the use of lack of sleep, tiredness, popularity, if one likes to party in the new found spare time, and well spare time.
We often are faced with the problem of "What do you do with all that time?" It has often been proposed that we have nothing to do with the time because we have nothing to do, meaning that we are bums, losers, or in general useless to society. However at the same time society also makes the mistake of saying we should dedicate eight to ten hours (depending on which doctor you talk to) to the simple mindless task of lying your head on a pillow.
There is a very good reason that the medical profession is looking to keep us sleeping and that is if you stay up long enough you will begin to realize how useless and pointless many of them really are. The large majority of the medical professions, (espiecilly the American system) are people who are out looking for money. In general they are making large amounts of money; now if we all stay up for a long amount of time say everyone staying up for a week would result in us realizing that the medical profession in a whole is useless. Now I will begin my attack on the medical profession by starting with the psychologists.
The most famous psychologist Doctor Freud had focused largely in studying and analyzing your dreams. That's right and you thought the guy going through your trash that morning was weird. Yes you heard right there are people who are trained to look at your dreams and begin to figure out what kind of strange and bizarre complexes make up your decision making process. What we find is these dreams are in general so fast that they are not remembered by you when you awake, only the ones that are very traumatic, strange, or every once and a while, good. Why do we need dreams? I ask you, why do we need to spend eight to ten hours a day in a fantasy world concocted by our unwillingness to achieve our dreams and work out our frustrations? War is for working out our problems and with war we get good entertainment values. Did you guys see the videos coming in from the war in Iraq? Man that was just like watching reality tv.
You see now we come to yet another reason that we should stay up and sleep only when absolutely necessary, is simple tv watching. Let’s face it guys there are lots of shows on during the day that those of us with jobs that are useful to society miss. Now we all know that they rerun them during the night and if we sleep like the doctors want us to do we miss some of our favorite shows. Why would the medical profession want us to miss some of our favorite loveable shows? I think it is because they want us to remain unhappy and so when we awake the next morning we have all that work left that we could have gotten done during the night if we weren’t sleeping. That is something else we could do during the night rather than sleep, and if watching tv or reading isn’t exactly your thing than you can do all the work that you would have had to do during the day that night. "Never put off what you can do today" my grandmother used to tell me so you should have the idea in the back of your mind while reading this too.
Now if all these are not good and splendid reasons why you should give up sleep or the very thought of sleep should make you vomit well hold on to your socks guys cause you’re going to love my next one. We are all interested in meeting people of the opposite sex, men are interested in woman and vice versa, so we have been brought to the most basic driving force in human nature, reproduction. Men are always going to night clubs; never do we go to day clubs, because we know all the best looking girls are out at night and in those clubs. We know that somehow everyone seems a lot more attractive at nighttime than during the day and this is because it is more fun to be out at night. We all know that if you want to hook up with anyone than it must be done at night, and so I beg the question why does sleep override sex? I can tell you with all honesty that for men sex would always win out, however we have become addicts to the sleeper’s agenda. I think this was one of the tools that women used against men, sleep, they know we want them, so in order to dismay us from perusing them too much they invented sleep and over the centuries have made men addicted to it.
Well that covers the men in the argument who are after women at night clubs for reasons that prohibit me for saying again since this is a family oriented guide entry. I now move on to women who go out at night looking for men to hook up with, I know you thought you could hide from me but I have contacts on the inside, I'm a little like the CIA. Except for the spying on you and arresting you without provocation. I digress and get back on the topic, you need to stay up during the night either going out to clubs or looking for entertainment (this usually involves the consumption of large amounts of alcohol).
I have proof, now I have been friends with several women who have often gone out at night, had a few drinks, and fallen prey to the illusion of sleep. It usually ends with a bad relationship or winding up on cops hanging out the window shouting at the man who bought you all those drinks to get you back to his trailer. It also saves the amount of episodes that Jerry Springer does in one season. Now I can hear many of you out their complaining to me saying "Oh you dont really get it about going out and getting in trouble or as many call it having fun." But the next time you gals go out and look for friends to find guys at bars ask yourselves one question. "Why does he have to fill me with beer to get me to sleep with him or ride home with him?" Or ask yourself another question, "If he really is Mister Right why does he hang out in sleazy back street bars and pick up joints?"
Now we also must look at the fact that usually women complain about not having enough time during the day (I say this without meaning to be stereotypical). Now a huge time saver for you gals rather than sleeping a few hours and then only having one or two hours to prepare for the day. You would never have to be in a rush in the morning or have accidents in the freeway.
Which brings me to my last and final reason that we should ignore the concept and myth of sleep that is freeway accidents. We have all been driving to school or work in the morning some of us might have been weary from working in the night or possibly drinking with friends. I believe I have covered that area to some extent in the previous paragraph. However when you are driving down that road and then all of a sudden there is a pile up, and as you get along you begin to wander, "What is that? "What is the problem? Maybe there are people throwing dollar bills into the crowd." Or maybe there is a car accident, and maybe it is big because someone has listened to the people in the medical profession and fallen asleep at the wheal! However when you do approach it, well you get to experience a whole range of feelings, regret for the person in the crash, you get to feel joy that you are still alive, and the thrill of actually seeing someone’s damaged and ruined automobile by the side of the road.
This shows you the nature of man, that we are good until we see that someone who has more than us, usually a rich person, might be involved and losing money. However we might not have that tendency if the rich people, the top ten percent weren’t so mega rich, and weren’t so mean to others because they have been up all night counting money. They have been up all night counting money and believing that we need to sleep so he obeys what he believes and gets angry at people who tell him to be agitated because he thinks he needs sleep.
In conclusion we can now see that there is no conclusive proof that sleep is good for you, and no conclusive proof that you should not believe everything you read.