Terra Haute IN

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The most nowhere place on earth.

~Steve Martin
Terra Haute or "The Haute" as it is known to some1 has garnered a bad reputation over the years, with people thinking of it as smelly, dangerous and in the middle of nowhere. To a certain extent this is deserved however it overlooks the many positive aspects of Terra Haute.

The Good


The Terra Haute area is home to several instutes of higher education including Indiana State University, Saint Mary's Of the Woods and Rose-Hulman Insitute of Technology. It is worth noteing that Rose-Hulman is home of the worlds largest hand built bonfire2


For the middle of nowhere Terra Haute has an awful lot of things to eat with over 200 resteraunts including Square Doughnuts. If you go to Terra Haute get yourself some square doughnuts.

The Colts

The Indianapolis Colts3 have their summer training camp at Rose-Hulman which serves as a major attraction for sports fans.

Weird Local Atrractions

The Bad

Poverty in the middle of nowhere. And oh yeah it really does smell4

The Ugly

The drivers are completly insane.
1Mostly local college students.2They have to reroute local airtraffic for homecoming3A major American football team.4Recent upgrades mean its not really that bad anymore but theres only so much you can do when a paper mill is your main industry.

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