The Smoking Pumpkin - Beyond Tea Lights

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Conventional wisdom dictates that a Hallowe'en pumpkin should be lit by a small candle or tea light. For the more adventurous however, may I humbly suggest the following.

1. Carve your pumpkin, in the usual way.

2. Cut three holes around the top of the pumpkin, being sure to place them at least an inch or so beneath the top hole. Cut three matching grooves in the lid itself.

3. Thread three lengths of lightweight chain - available from any large hardware store for about £1 per metre - through the holes; the grooves in the lid should ensure that it fits more or less flush to the pumpkin still.

4. Put a little baking foil down in the base of the pumpkin for insulation, and on top of that a metal dish containing one or more lighted charcoal tablets. Be careful; these are very hot. Put a few healthy spoonfuls of frankincense onto the charcoal, and replace the pumpkin lid.

5. Hang somewhere safely above head-height, from a secure fixture, or wield like a particularly evil thurible or censer (see below).

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