life at an international baccalaureate school

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An intriguing aspect of a school offering an International Baccalaureate diploma is the life that students go to. As a rule of thumb, International Baccalaureate schools tend to be much more strenuous than typical high schools, and so students go to different measures to cope with this. It can be said that no one can do it alone, and so cooperation is a vital aspect of IB life (although recently there has been a push by some districts to make IB a more individualized effort). In addition, serious education has never been possible for such a continued period of time, and so an aspect of humor has been brought into life by many of the students. For more on this, type "international baccalaureate joke" into a search engine.

IB also greatly tests the survival skill of students. It has been stated that everyone must either find a good reason for a push in an individual effort or participate in a collaborate effort, which in many cases is prohibited. Both of these greatly test and strengthen students in the program.

The very idealistic and rule-following individuals in the IB program take the individual approach to it, which is in most cases the only legal approach. However, this is very difficult to mantain. These people are generally respected, especially if they are willing to help while taking in nothing.

The remainder of students participates in a collaborate effort. This has been branded as "cheating" by teachers and administrators in many cases. The more involved participants in this group go as far as getting copies of old answers to tests and plagiarizing research papers. These people are generally despised if they are considered as successful people by others who are unaware of the means of their accomplishments. However, many others simply collaborate for a more effective learning experience.

Assignments in IB schools are generally severely harder than in normal schools. Besides cheating and collaboration, this leads to a very drastic decrease in time alloted for sleep by most IB students. See thing on staying up late.

That's about it, at least for now.

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