What's the deal with blocked Porn?

1 Conversation

Why can't under age children who know what it's all about can't view it?

That's an easy enough one to answer. Upper middle class middle age
white american women have things ludicrously good. Since their lives are so good, they get bored very easily. When they get bored, they protest things. "Hmm.. right now there's nothing in my life that fills this great emptiness within me.. its as if I'm emotionally and spirtually dead.. now that I'm in such silence, and can finally realize this. Wow, man, this is terrible! I should do something about this! I should change my life, my point of view, my connection with God! ....no, wait, that would probably be to hard... I'll just make some 15 year old boy's life somewhere as much of a hell as it can be by making it harder for him to get porn.. yeah, that'll eat up some of my time."

It can't physcially harm them, why should we s**t a brick over it?

It's all a matter of anthropology. In order for our species to survive, we need to cooperate because we don't have sharp teeth or fast legs or mighty jaws or any of the other cool evolutionary edges that other animals have. In order for us to work together, we need to subjugate and control our base animal instincts that would otherwise make such cooperation impossible. This includes, but is not limited to, sex. If we did things naturally and just walked around naked and did it whenever and wherever we felt like it, we would loose our societal organization and it would be easy for wolves to tear us to shreds. Thusly, we DO have to s**t a brick over porn, because otherwise, if we actually teach them that it's a NATURAL thing, then the entire social order would be undermined and we'd go extinct.

Well, you don't really have to give a s**t about it if, like myself,
you honestly don't care if humanity destroys itself or not.

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