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If you look at love in it's strictest of definitions, (Thanks to your frind and mine Merriam-Webster.) is based on mutual effection and strong devotion. The whole definition exudes a sense of warmth and caring. It also suggests something good and beautiful. When you think about it, love is supposed to leave you with a 'warm fuzy' feeling. No one has ever said "I hate that love thing. Who wants to feel good like that?". The bulk of the general population spends considerable time seeking love. Some for the right reasons, other are a little bit off. Though all things considered, right seems to be a relative term. The right reason for love is different for everyone. Some want a person to do the horizontal Hokey-Pokey with and call it love, others want someone to grow old with, and others yet fall somewhere in between.
Love does not always have to be between people either. It can be love of something. A person can have a love of music, brussel sprouts, or old smelly gym socks. The point is that the object of effection is an inantimate object. Well, the gym socks might be an ecception depending on if they can get up and walk on their own yet. But regardless, this love leaves a peaceful contentment deep within the soul. For example, if a person has a love for landscape paintings, then it would be a pretty safe bet that Monet is very leaves a sense of tranquility for that person.
Then there are pets, zoos, the circus, and mimes. A pet can be devoted to it's master. The master can love their pet, and based on a wagging tail, a purr, or not having an appendage bitten off the master can assume that the pet has an effection and/or love for them in return. Zoos and the circus are another matter all together. It is possible for the keepers/trainers to love their charges. They are in some ways children to the respective keepers/trainers, and given devotion as such. And then there are mimes. Perhaps they should be a category unto themselves. After all, they do 'vocalize', if you will, what they are feeling. At the same time they tend to mimic things and people around them. Which leaves a person to wonder if what they protray is real or if it is an impersonation. But still, mimes have feelings too.
Love, as the song goes, is a many splendored thing. Though not everyone is in love, everyone should know what it is to love and be loved. It might be a pet, a friend, a lover, food, music, art, old smelly gym socks, a mime... The list goes on and on, with endless possibilities.

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