Terry Pratchett's Dark Side of the Sun

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Quite obviously a work in progress...


Spoiler Free Overview



The remainder of this entry may be considered a Spoiler. If you haven't read the book read on only if you don't mind knowing a lot of the details before you reach them.

The Setting

Setting information.

The People

People information.

Humans, Drosk, Phnobes and the First Sirian Bank.


(pl. Creapii) One one the less alien of the non-Human alien races (in that they have at least made contact efforts with Humanity and have formed ongoing lines of communication). They are the oldest of the known races, having been around for some 4 million years, and enjoy the pleasures of temperatures that would turn most other races to cinders. The race is broken down into various heat tolerance levels, running the gamet from Low Degree Creapii who would enjoy a holiday on Mercury, to the High Degree Creapii who inhabitant solar rafts that float in the outer corona of low temperature stars.


Robots are graded on levels one through five, determined by the nature of their programming, understanding and free will. Class One robots are little more than dumb automatons, programmed with very specific missions and purpose in mind, and incapable of independent thought outside of set mission parameters.


(Need to get that spelling right!) A lifeform composed of sentient water residing on a world called Band, where Sun-Dogs sire and raise their Pups.

The Pod, Jovians and Sun-Dogs and The Jokers.

The Cast of Characters

There is a whole cast of characters, a few mentioned in passing or briefer still. There are many that get more attention, flesh on their bare bones.

Dom Salabos, Charles Sub-Lunar, Hrsh-Hgn, Isaac, Ways.

The Story

The Story.

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