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A hat, it has to be said, is one of the most pointlessly fun things to wear in the entire history of creation.
Picture it: you have an appointment to meet with with an extremely prestigious business associate at a noted social venue. You have acquired the perfect trousers, the perfect shirt, the perfect jacket and the perfect tie and yet, staring fixedly at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you cannot shake the feeling that something fundamentally vital is absent from your otherwise stunning ensemble. Suddenly, you realise what it is! Rushing to your cupboard, you fling open the doors, reach inside and, slowly, almost reverently, you pull out your fluorescent lime green felt fedora hat. Placing it on your head and tipping it just ever so slightly into a jaunty angle, you swagger out of the door feeling that all is right with the world.
You enter the restaurant, the marketing manager from Japan screams, smacks you with his wine glass and flees the establishment in hysterics. The next morning you get a phone call informing you that the company is going to have to "let you go". BUT YOU FELT GREAT!!
Thus is the extraordinarily overwhelming power of hats to fill us with joy and others with amusement or, in some cases, indescribable horror.

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