Cruelty to Animals

3 Conversations

For some strange reason, considering the strife and trouble that fills the world, one of the most contentious issues on the planet today is cruelty to animals. People riot, fight and sometimes try to kill in order to put their point across that animals are treated badly. They fight for the rights of monkeys, dogs, cats, gerbils, horses and pretty much any animal that seems to be having a rough time. And yes animals are treated badly, they are treated as second class citizens of planet earth, which unfortunately is exactly what they are. Lets break you down into the believers and non-beleivers.
For those who believe in Darwins incredible theory of Evolution, one of his 'laws'was survival of the fittest. Man has dominated, rightly or wrongly. He is the winner, and as such partakes in the spoils of victory which includes doing what he ruddy well likes to the rest of life on planet Earth. Evolution dictates this is the way it is, and you can bet if the situations were reversed and a fox had the chance of riding round the countryside yelling and shooting at a terrified, half knackered human, he would. But the fox did not win the dominance race, and neither did the monkey or the did.

Creation also dictates that animals are second. God allowed man to eat the animals after the flood. God provided for man throughout history, helping them, disciplining them and sending them his son. He did not send his heavenly Labrador to earth to die for the sins of doggy kind. His pet hamster was not sent to Earth to preach the kindness of God to gerbils everywhere. Man was Gods priority. God does not believe in being cruel to animals however, he merely treats them differently. And we are made in Gods image.

Now the animals. If they could communicate, which they can't and which is probably half the problem, what would they say. Lets take a horse about to ride in the slightly dangerous Grand National race in England. Lets offer the horse two options. Firstly, you can leg it round this course with a skinny chap on your back, jump a few fences and perhaps become the hero horse of the day and get load of hay at the end, or you can go the France and end up in a Charcuterie or on Mr and Madame Frenchies dinner plate. The ups and downs of an animals life differs very little from a humans. We suffer, some more than others and so do animals. We enjoy life, and so do animals. But we won the dominance race, and they did not. They are the losers and as such suffer the price of humiliation, which includes being eaten, having shampoo rubbed in their eyes and being ridden and used and ridiculed. My advice to them? Next time the world has a evolutionary shake up.......DON'T LOSE!

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