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I have been running ACI Speaking Club for training people on speaking power fluency to enhance their excellence in almost all super class career lines. Such a nature work I have been running in the evening time and that we run only for 4 days a week i.e. Monday to Thursday. Rest of the 3 days we enjoy on resting, relaxing, outing, etc. as delightfully as possible.

Developing public speaking in the shape of chatting, discussions, speeches, debates, Face to Face Debates, Argumentation, cross-questioning etc. are the chief activities of the ACI Speaking Club since last 20 years.
Besides that we hold functions periodically that includes variety programs, which we enjoy more than much.

The more interesting thing in it is that my spouse also enjoys such nature of interesting works from time to time to avail the chance of touring one city after another and having different kinds delicious dishes while eating out in the best possible atmosphere with pretty good changes.:)

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