Points Cards

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The "Points card" is an invention developed by several chainstores at approximatly the same time, though they all claim credit for this. The concept is as follows: you spend money at the store, and they put some points on your plastic card (the points card). When you have collected a certain amount of points, you get a reward of some form (generally some money off the next time you buy something). The logic behind this is that you will return to the store (rather than one of it's competitors) so that you can fill up your card.

There is only one minor failing in this - most people don't care about points cards, and those that do generally only spend small amounts, take years to fill up the cards, and then promptly lose them just before cashing them in.

There are many alternative uses for these cards - one of my favourites is using to cut cake when I don't have a knife...

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