27 July to 12 August 2003 - John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage
Created | Updated Oct 17, 2005
Leg 1 - Ardmore, Scotland to Tenerife, Canary Islands

Date: 27 July 2003;1200;
Day: 1
Local time: 1200
Leg Number and name: Leg 1 The Yellow Nosed;
Focus of Leg: Settling in and establishing comms
Position: 58 degrees 19 minutes north 5 degrees 41 minutes;
Position relative to land: Midway across the Minch
Course: 260M
Speed: 6 knots
Distance travelled in past 24hrs: 20 miles
Distane travelled since last port: 20 miles
Total distance from Ardmore: 20 miles
Headed to: Tenerife, Canary Islands
Distance to next port: n/a
Barometric Pressure: 1016
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Speed: 28 Knots
Cloud cover: 8/16
Notes: Unfortunately we had a pretty bumpy sea on the nose which took a heavy toll on our eager crew;In view of the conditions it was seen to be prudent to seek shelter in the small haven of Marvig, on the east coast of the Hebridean Island of Lewis.
Date: 29 July 2003; 1200;
Day: 3
Position: 56.20'N, 8.11'W;
Position relative to land: 70 miles north of NW Ireland heading for the Atlantic;
Course: 230T;
Speed: 7 knots;
Distance travelled in last 24hrs: 170nm;
Distance travelled since last port: 230nm;
Total distance from Ardmore: 230nm
Headed for: Tenerife;
Barometric Pressure: 1022
Wind Direction: SE;
Wind Speed: Force 4;
Cloud cover: High grey cloud;
Sea temp: 16C;
Sea Conditions: Smooth;
Notes Lots of Fulmars, gannets, some porpoises, number of fishing boats and one large liner heading up the Minch. The crew is slowly getting into shape with multiple sail changes. Unfortunately the connection to the Iridium phone external aerial didn't survive one vigorous sail change in fresh condx. New location and external connection required. Repair will be attempted in warmer drier weather a bit further south. We had a great breeze from the SE for a few hours this morning and made good progress south west towards the open Atlantic but have now lost it and are tossing about on a lumpy grew sea 70 miles north of NW Ireland. Just had very filling lunch of pasta, cheese sauce, tomatoes, bread - now tossing up if we should start the engine again...
Date: 30 July 2003;
Day: 4
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 54.55'N,10.38'W;
Position relative to land: About 40 miles to the WNW of Eagle Rock of the NW Coast of Ireland;
Course: 197T;
Speed: 2.7kn;
Day's run: 99.6nm;
Total distance this Leg: 329.6nm;
Total distance since Ardmore 329.6;
Headed to: Tenerife;
Distance to next port: 1615 miles;
Wind Direction: WSW;
Wind Speed: Force 3;
Cloud cover: 10/16;
Air temp n/a but about same as water temp i guess, 15.5C;
Sea condx: light;
Notes Very changeable winds over last 24 hrs giving lots of sail changing exp. Small pod of Pilot whales alongside at dawn. Running watches 4 hours on and 4 off. MC and JR, Scott Simpson and myself. Now 16:20 heading south at 7kns into fresh SW'ly under no 2 yankee, staysail and mainsail with 4 rolls in it. Planning to go onto the westerly tack after 6pm for the night to give Ireland a wider berth. Forecast is for 20-30 knots from the SW. Just had a piece of Rita Reynold's lovely lovely fruit cake mmmm!
Date: 31 July 2003;
Day: 5
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 53.55'N,11.28'W;
Position relative to land: 45 miles west of Achill Island,west coast of Ireland;
Course: 180T;
Speed: 6 knots;
Distance travelled in last 24hrs: 108 miles;
Distance travelled this Leg: 497 miles;
Headed to: Tenerife
Distance to next port: approx 1507nm;
Barometric Pressure: 1020;
Wind Direction: WSW;
Wind Speed: Force 5;
Cloud Cover: 12/16;
Sea temp: 15.5C;
Sea Conditions: Lumpy;
Notes: Today's comment from JR and MC "A black night on The Road to Perdition. Wretched and bumpy. Gusts to 50 knots. Just caught small craft warning of faint Shannon weather forecast. If only Nick could understand the meaning of seasickness. Poor Scotty under for a while. MC/JR groggy. Only 30,000 miles to go. Andrea Bocelli saves the day." Gannets,fulmars,storm petrels, shearwaters and various gulls plus dolphins sighted today.
Date: 1 August 2003;
Day: 6
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 51.15'N,11.35'W;
Position Relative to Land: 60 miles WSW of Fastnet Rock off SW
Course: 180T;
Speed: 7.3 knots;
Distance travelled over last 24hrs: 156 miles;
Distance this Leg: 653 miles;
Distance from Ardmore: 653 miles;
Headed to: Tenerife;
Distance to next port: 1394 miles;
Barometric Pressure: 1028;
Wind Direction: Westerly;
Wind Speed: 15-30 knots;
Cloud Cover: 14/16;
Air temp n/a;
Sea temp 16.2C;
Sea Conditions: Big SW swell, lumpy, some, whitecaps;
Notes: Beating to south against the prevailing SW'ly at 6 to 8 knots, ERV1 is showing her power,easily handling it under two foresails and the reefed mainsail. Down below life is at 15-30 degrees, with violent surges and every move must be planned. Today Caassandra Wilson sings standards... Have now cleared Ireland and set a course for Tenerife, 1,394 miles to the south.
Date: 2 August 2003;
Day: 7
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 49.8'N,11.18'W;
Position relative to Land: Cherbourg abeam (360 miles to the east);
Course: 190T;
Speed: 6.5 knots (under motor);
Distance travelled in last 24hrs: 127 miles;
Distance travelled this Leg: 880 miles
Distance from Ardmore: 880 nm;
Headed to: Tenerife;
Distance to go 1,254 miles;
Barometric Pressure 1037 (very high);
Wind Direction: SSE
Wind Speed: F2;
Cloud cover: 12/16;
Sea temp: 17.2C;
Sea condx: Smooth with big long swell from the west;
Birds: Shearwater,Storm petrels,a few Fulmars,terns,also Portuguese Men of War, and large numbers of small (1" diameter) floating balls each encrusted with barnacles...lots of porpoises;
Notes:Sunshine and a smooth blue sea have seen the wards closed on the hospital ship, a faint pulse has been detected in Scotty's neck, shorts have been broken out, sandwiches cut for lunch and highland jigs ordered by the Chieftain. Nick
Sunday 3 August 2003
Day: 8
Local Time:1200
Position: 47.10'N,12.37'W;
Position relative to land: 340 miles out off the Bay of Biscay;
Course: 192T;
Speed: 6.7 knots;
Day's run: 122 miles;
Total distance sailed since Ardmore: 1,002 miles;
Distance to Tenerife 1,147 miles;
Atmos.pressure 1035;
Wind Direction: Southerly;
Wind Strength: F2;
Cloud 2/16;
Air temp n/a;
Sea temp 18.9C;
Sea condx: calm and smooth;
Warm sun and hot curry, just west of Bay of Biscay. Sedate progress under 4 sails. Tuna boats with their out-riggers lit up at night. Hawk resting on mizen mast head. Swarfega looks much like apricot jam, much frothing - thanks David!
Monday 4 August 2004
Local Time: 1200
Position: 45.00 North,12.03 West;
Position Relative to Land: 160 miles off Cape Finistere, on the NW corner of Spain;
Course: 170T;
Speed: 4.7 knots;
Day's run: 135 miles;
Total Distance sailed since Ardmore: 1,137 miles;
Headed to Tenerife,1024 miles to the south;
Atmos.pressure: 1029;
Wind: NE F2;
Cloud: 16/16;
Sea temp: 19.3C;
Sea condx: small chop and confused swell causing us to roll around and throw the wind out of the sails;
5 August 2003;
Day 10;
Local time: 1200;
Position: 42.32N,11..57'W;
Position relative to land: 120 miles west of Vigo, Spain;
Course: 189M;
Speed: 6.8 knots;
Day's run: 149 miles,
Total dist sailed from Ardmore: 1,287 miles;
Headed To: Tenerife;
Distance remaining this Leg: 882 miles;
Atmos.pressure: 1035;
Wind: NNW F3,
Cloud: 16/16;
Sea temp: 20.9C;
Sea condx: smooth.
Into the mist
John Ridgway
6 August 2003
Day 11
Local time: 1200;
Position: 39.59'N, 12.12'W;
Position relative to land: 150 miles NW of Lisbon, Portugal;
Course made good: 189;
Speed 7.3 knots;
Day's run: 149 miles;
Total distance traveled since Ardmore: 1,436 miles;
Destination Tenerife;
distance to go: 733 miles;
Atmos.Pressure :1034;
Wind: NE F6, 20 knots;
Cloud: 15/16;
Sea temp 22.6C;
Sea condx: Light but growing following sea,some whitecaps; bowling along now under twin yankees poled out on either side of the mast making good speed ahead of a slowly building NE'ly.
Into the mist...
PS. Astonishing to think this is put on the BBC website by Richard Creasey from his Dacha outside Moscow.
Lift it!
7 August 2003;
Local Time: 1200;
Position 37.36'N,13.00'W;
Position relative to land: 195 miles west of Cape St Vincent, S Portugal;
Course made good: 204M;
Speed: 6.4 knots;
Distance sailed over last 24 hrs: 146 miles;
Total distance since Ardmore: 1,583 miles;
Destination: Tenerife;
Distance to go: 590 miles;
Atmos.pressure: 1032;
Wind: NE F5 18 knots;
Cloud cover: 0/16 but very hazy;
Sea temp: 23.4C;
Sea condx: Becoming blue, steady following sea with some white caps;
Into the mist
Friday 8 August 2003;
Day 13;
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 35.43'N,13.50'W;
Postion relative to land: 400 miles due west of the Straits of Gibraltar;
Course: 206M;
Speed: 4.8 knots;
Day's run: 117 miles;
Distance from Ardmore: 1699 miles;
Distance to Tenerife: 467 miles;
Atmos.pressuren: 1029;
Wind: NNE F3 12kts;
Cloud: 8/16 very hazy;
Sea temp 24.2C;
Light sea with a few white caps;
Marie Christine
Sat 9 August 2003;
Local time: 1200;
Day 14;
Position: 33.28'N,14.45'W;
Position relative to land: 100 miles ENE of Madeira;
Course made good: 206M;
Speed: 5.4 knots;
Distance travelled in last 24hrs: 140 miles;
Total distance since Ardmore: 1,841 miles;
Destination Tenerife; 330 miles to go;
Atmos.pressure 1031;
Wind NNE F4 15 knots;
Cloud 75%;
Sea temp 24.2C;
Sea Condx: Light sea with a few white caps; Saw turtle today.
for the long haul.
Into the mist...
10 August 2003;
Day 15;
Local Time: 1200;
Position: 30.55N, 15.50'W;
Position relative to land: 45 miles North of the Salvagen Islands;
Course made good: 205M;
Speed: 6.5 knots;
Day's run: 156 miles;
Total distance from Ardmore: 1,997 miles;
Destination: Tenerife;
Distance to Tenerife: 163 miles;
Atmos.pressure 1030;
Wind: NNE 4-5,
Cloud 95%;
Sea temp 24.6 C;
Sea Condx: Growing swell from the North, some whitecaps.
Into the mist...
11 August 2003;
Day 16;
Local time 1200;
Position 28.27'N, 16.53'W;
Position rel;ative to land: 7.6 miles NW of Tenerife;
Course made good: 195;
Speed: 7kn;
Day's run over last 24hrs: 168 miles;
Total distance from Ardmore: 2,165 miles;
Destination: Tenerife:
Distance to destinaion: 7.6 miles;
Pressure: 1027;
Wind: ENE F5,
Cloud cover: 35%;
Sea temp: 24.6C;
Sea Condx: Light SE'ly a with some whitecaps.
Into the mist
John Ridgway
12 August 2003;
Day 17;
Alongside in the small harbour at Los Gigantes, Tenerife. Hot and bright with little wind.
Now go on to the next two weeks 14-27 August 2003 as we head on towards Cape Town
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