2 Conversations


It’s only money
I can say without much ado.
What money you have, goes straight through,
For the pleasure you crave and must pursue,
It’s only money,
I appeal to you,
Could it be too late?
Are you suffering, in its wake?
Have you already spent, more than you’ve made.
It’s only money,
When alls said and done,
So off to the shops, we'll do a ton.

It’s only money,
To those who crave to spend,
And don’t consider where it will end.
Will they borrow more from the bank?
What, with those charges? No thanks.
Consider those who save and invest,
Their money is gathering interest.
Should we save or should we spend?
For me there’s no contest!

It’s only money,
It speaks for it self,
I’ll toil every day in reticence,
To earn an honest shilling,
God willing,
What will I do, if I run short?
It’s only money,
I’ll retort?
Could I consider giving it all away?
To someone who’s needs are greater today.
My wife says, but we need it too, will someone oblige?
Or just deride?

It’s only money,
When alls said and done,
For those who have plenty, can it be fun?
Do they have happiness in their lives?
Or are they plagued by trouble, and strife?
It’s only money,
As the saying goes,
For some, easy come.
For others, easy go.
Leave out the coins just give me the bills,
It’s only money,
That’s how I get my thrills.

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