Darth Vader's voice and body

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Like some of the dwellers of this planet, I enjoy a series of movies that go by the mantle of Star Wars. Your basic tale of good vs. evil with villians, heroes, monsters, and a princess thrown in for good measure.

One of the main characters of this series is a man by the name of Darth Vader. Darth is a title, similar to baron, or pope. It is a title of evil, hence his being the major villian in the series. Vader, being his self-chosen name after he became evil, is a Dark Sith lord. The whole series has its own religions based on eastern philosophies with a western middle age knight feel, so the use of something called a sith lord, or jedi, could be explained somewhere else. Not here, today at least.

In the movie, Darth Vader, standing at nearly 7 feet tall, wears full black with a full face helmet, and was played by three people. Surprisingly there are people who don't know this. So, here are the three actors that played Darth Vader.

Voice actor: James Earl Jones.
Body actor: David Prowse.
Out of black costume/face actor: Sebastian Shaw.

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