Videogames today and tomorrow

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I'm a videogames maniac, freak and addict and at the moment I'm playing a new game, which qualified for my personal All-Time Favourites from the moment I started to play. That is how a videogame is supposed to be.
Now I wonder which videogames you people prefer (and note this: I do not mean PC games! I hate playing on the PC, I only mean stuff like Playstation, Nintendo 64 or the fantastic and brilliant SEGA Dreamcast!). It's a philosophic question, a kind of religion which console you prefer or if you prefer playing with the PC. I am a multiformat player, using PSX, N64 and DC, because they all have great games and it would be stupid to neglect this and cut myself off from this multiple choice. Although I'm trying to have an open mind towards the coming new console generation (128 bit) I must admit that I'm afraid Playstation 2 will be a flop. I won't buy one, because I am not convinced of their hardware architecture: what I saw didn't please me. There are no great games, the textures look boring and there is no anti aliasing.
SEGA dreamcast is a great console but they have the problem of being widely known because they are incapable of proper advertisement. On the other hand they have the best games and very innovative ideas. Gamecube, the next Nintendo console could be a great thing too. Bizarre may be the fact that I'm really interested in the X-box, the new console by Microsoft, whereas I'm a convinced Linux user. The next year will be very interesting for videogames freaks, when the cards will be shuffled again.

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