Subjective Time Flow

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Introductory Note: This is a draft, and a really thin one above that!
Should the editors be interested, please leave a comment which I then will answer with a long and carefully elaborated version of the same topic. (after some weeks of elapsed time ...)


When a biological being (e.g. a human, but similar things will apply to animals) interacts with a mechanical or informational device certain rhythms will occur to make this experience an enjoyable one.

Imagine yourself in a car at 50km/h ! When you hit the brake gently you dont want to hear any screeching sounds but you also want the car to decelerate noticeably. You'd be terribly annoyed if some brake optimization computer would "infer" from pedal pressure and speed "where" to stop and then would "execute" that by first coasting along and only afterwards braking forcibly.

Why would you be annoyed? First reason: You do not "feel" in control.
Second reason: You had quite another notion of a smooth ride than the machine delivered ...

Now imagine yourself in a spacecraft approaching moon at 12000km/h ! A gentle computer voice addresses you "Sir, it is time to brake!" You'd not only be annoyed, you'd be scared to death because there is no way you'd be able to control this deceleration process and you'd be grateful for the rest of your life, if the computer gets you down to surface with multiple Gs but no crash and a really soft touchdown.


What is the message behind these rather stark images? There is a difference between what physics allows and what our mind will accept! Our mind, mark well, a spider's mind might work differently ...


So, the topic here is not "time" or "timing" as such, but our perception of "Time and Rhythm" ! Admitted, hitting a brake is not dancing tango, but there is an extended notion of "rhythm" as well!

Now imagine yourself sitting in front of a computer terminal doing some data enty for a transaction system and all of a sudden the system stalls ... and soon after it starts again with a popup window complaining about "missing data" you already entered. You'd be terribly annoyed indeed! Why? You had a certain "work rhythm" in your mind but the computer didn't care a bit!


and so on ... Full article, in time! Best regards so far

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