Leaving Security
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
I am standing on a rock
In the midst of a vast sea,
All I see is ocean,
I cannot see any land.
I know I must leave,
Must depart my foothold of safety
I must dive into the vast ocean
I must get to the other side
I am not sure which way?
In which direction safety lies
When I leave my island of safety
It could be just endless sea.
So I take my fear in my hand
And I pray to God for guidance,
I shut my eyes and tense my body
And leap into the great unknown
I fall deeper and deeper
Into the vast black depth
The cold of the ocean goes through me,
And the weeds try to grab me.
My lungs are bursting,
I head towards the surface,
I break through gasping,
I have still a long way to go.