The Meaning of Sleeping

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As you were younger, you surely have thought sometimes something like this: "Why do I have to sleep right now? I could so so many interesting things right now!" And so on. Adults often do the same. Maybe their train of thought is a bit different in detail, but roughly speaking it´s the same. I know it´s lots of fun drinking beer all night, dancing with a nice girl and not going to bed until after 3 o´clock. Generally speaking it´s no big harm to do so one a week, but problems might occur when it happens repeatedly. There are two important things that happen while sleeping:

-Body recover
Life´s exhausting. And if you´re exhausted, you must recover somewhen. Remember: you do nothing in bed but turning around each hour or something like this. You DO need that break, and it should be seven to eight hours long. If it´s shorter, you will be weak when you awake. Never underestimate the activity of "doing nothing". Most time, your muscles are active and ready for activity. That requires a basic amount of power being used, which may not be underestimated.

-Mind recover
Life also exhausts your neural capability. After a day of hard work, you´re often "ready" and wish nothing more than being alone and sleeping.
Even if it´s only 8 o´clock.
If your brain did too much work in the day, adrenaline will be produced to help you with getting rid of all the work.
But adrenaline is also the stuff that causes stress. And if you don´t sleep enough to make your body get rid of all that unneeded adrenaline, it´ll stay and increase the next day´s stress.

So, in the end, I think you have seen that sleeping is quite importand and that you should at least sleep enough if you have something to do on the next day.

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