Named Bridges on the A130, Essex, UK

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As you travel south along a stretch of the A130 (A127 to A12) passing through Rettendon, near Chelmsford, Essex there are 15 bridges, which have been named and have their names displayed. Some of the bridges are footbridges, some the A130 passes over, and two of which the A130 passes under.

The bridges were given their names at the request of the Essex Police, for ease of location whenever breakdowns and traffic accidents occur. The following is the names of the bridges, and what they are named after.

  • **Annwood Bridge is the first bridge travelling from the south and has traffic travelling underneath and is named after the nearby Annwood Lodge.
  • **Monument Bridge again has traffic travelling underneath. Named due the close proximity of an area with commemorative monuments relating to aircraft crashes during the Great War.
  • **Rawreth Barn Bridge is one of just two where there is a road above, and was named after a nearby farm.
  • **Ivydene Bridge, the two small brick walls opposite each other indicate this is another bridge where the traffic flows underneath. There is a nursery and garden centre close to this location, called Ivydene Nursery.
  • **Mayrose Bridge like the majority of these bridges has a road underneath. This bridge was named after a nearby house of the same name.
  • **Ashdale Bridge another one with the traffic travelling underneath, and again named after a local house of the same name.
  • **Turnpike Bridge a bridge which you travel under, with a road above. It was named after the adjacent Rettendon Turnpike roundabout. Many of the main roundabouts in Essex have names.
  • **Curry Hill Footbridge as the name suggests is a footbridge, to aid the safe crossing from one side of the road to the other. The name was taken from Curry Hill, a local road.
  • Hoe Bridge has been named after Hoe Lane, the road which the A130 passes over at that point.
  • **Laceys Bridge has traffic travelling underneath and takes its name from a nearby farm.
  • **Canon Barns Bridge like the previous bridge, has traffic travelling underneath, and was named after a nearby farm.
  • **Exchange Bridge has traffic travelling underneath. This one was named due to its close proximity to a telephone exchange.
  • **St Peters Way Footbridge is apparently named after the footpath of the same name.
  • **Downhouse Bridge another footbridge, is name after a local property, it is ambiguous as to just what this property is.
  • **St Hugue Bridge the last of the bridges, and another one where the traffic travels underneath. This bridge was named after a local farm.

At the beginning and end of this stretch of the A130 there is a sign declaring it as a Country Route.

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