Sweden, north part

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Sweden is small country, but stretched out to the north and south. As probably all countrys with some distance within their border there is difference. Some things that makes the blokes on the far end of the country dumb, stupid or just annoying.

In the northern part of Sweden, "Norrland", southerns is often called 08:s. Because its the prefix for a telephon call to the Capitol city of sweden: Stockholm. Stockholm is position pretty far to the south and that symbolizing all the southerns as 08:s.

The 08:s is stupid in the northerns believs. They don't understand how things are because they all live in big cities. The northern don't.

A word about the geography:
In the middle of "Norrland" at mid winter temperatures get down to -30 deg. Celcius and it get very, very dark. Snowstorm are often observed. The summer is about 2 months long.

Maybe becouse the cold and the dark, people don't speak very much. Because there is nothing to talk about. The dark and cold is very boring to talk about.
A popular discussion is about the 08:s vain and stupidity and the well known fact that they don't know how to survive in a roaring snowstorm with nothing on them except a knife. They also by the talk, donĀ“t know the difference between a elk and a raindeer.

On the other side 08:s believe that there is polarbears and penguins in the dark north. Which is not true.

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