Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 9th October 2000

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Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who only recently started living, along with some newcomers who activated their pages late.

To help vist newcomers without covering the same area over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Please select your headings - starting from the top of the page and work down - This will make it easier to see which is the next heading that is free. Thank you

Happy Posting


U154293  Researcher 154293
U154736  Freedayfoxglove
U154832  Rupunzel
U154838  Just an Engineer !
U154912  Eddy Fate
U155074  Sirius Lady
U155075  Sirius Lady


U155124  JacketFan
U155163  Researcher 155163
U155167  Paranoid Android
U155168  Sunbeam
U155169  Trim Boy Slim
U155174  Pokerizer

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U155175  Chanti
U155187  miserable
U155192  artsavage
U155205  Nikki
U155211  Rebecca
U155213  PTP
U155214  Batman
U155233  Anne
U155234  Sir Johnny Lunchbox
U155236  Researcher 155236

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U155249  Denkar
U155250  Researcher 155250
U155266  zenhead
U155267  Researcher 155267
U155268  davisweb
U155272  Colonel Forbin
U155276  Jekyll
U155292  AGHARRY
U155301  Lanice conchilega
U155307  Thom York

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U155315  Mr.Z
U155316  fluorescent
U155324  AndyHerbert
U155327  Researcher 155327
U155336  Researcher 155336
U155354  Supernoodle
U155356  Researcher 155356
U155359  Whitebeam
U155363  BlueDragon
U155368  Glamracket

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U155384  Researcher 155384
U155385  Fun-kay
U155387  Easily Amused
U155388  Researcher 155388
U155393  Romeero
U155401  Tim The Magnificent (of Nuneaton)
U155402  Bruno
U155410  Kazuya
U155421  abbot
U155432  Tatjana

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U155449  HollePolle
U155458  Aussie Matt
U155473  jean
U155483  Pok Sixtyfour
U155484  Researcher 155484
U155486  NoTalent
U155487  Researcher 155487
U155491  Researcher 155491
U155495  Jedi Shipper
U155509  Eclectic Scion

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U155513  Bill^2
U155514  dominicanjedi
U155521  jmrichmo
U155526  Abbyd
U155529  Soaponarope
U155531  Sideshow
U155549  Phylax Zenmaster
U155567  Anissa Hawk
U155572  Researcher 155572 (ameri-scot git)
U155580  Lightmaster

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U155593  triplefivee
U155607  Zocko
U155624  Researcher 155624
U155637  pigfarmr
U155642  Danish
U155651  Wiz
U155663  Drew
U155665  juanfarvfarv
U155674  Researcher 155674
U155685  Dr1015Bob

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U155694  Researcher 155694
U155700  Researcher 155700
U155704  Researcher 155704
U155714  Neil(!)
U155716  goodynip
U155722  A'lan
U155732  Dan
U155738  Researcher 155738
U155740  Researcher 155740
U155742  Matt

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U155744  Fuzzy
U155746  loceteph
U155749  Sundiver
U155751  PRAEst76
U155763  Lawrence the Peripatetic (Itinerant Researcher #155763)
U155777  Alchemist
U155778  cozz
U155788  VPChrisPV
U155790  Researcher 155790
U155795  Jack Schitt

10) Newcomers 91 to 92 (j)

U155801  El fishslayer
U155827  Nellyslaphead

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