The Rules and Rites of Passage of Towelhood
Created | Updated Apr 14, 2002
1. A towel is a hitchhikers most valuable possession. Respect the towels of others and follow the golden rule--do unto others' towels as they would do unto your towel.
2. If a hitchhiker happens to loose his towel and borrow one from ANYONE (a fellow hitchhiker or even a strag), he must return it to that person before he leaves the continent. It's just common courtesy.
3. NEVER, NEVER EVER MAKE FUN OF ANOTHER'S TOWEL--even if it is blue with little pink flowers on it, or if it is small compared to your own. Size does not matter when it comes to towels. (See rule #1 for more info.)
4. The Cardinal Rule of Staying Healthy--eat junk food. A hitchhiker cannot go wrong by eating junk food. He will not have to deal with strange and exotic fruits that might be poisoned by the natives of that area or local food that doesn't agree with his stomach and gives him the runs for a few days. There are many food chains throughout the universe. Miliways has branched out and even set up restaurants on the blighted planet Earth, in each of its parallel universes. These restaurants are known as MacDonald's on this planet, but through much of the unverse this chain is known as either Eat Here and Die or Botulism is Us.
5. REMEMBER--introducing your towel to a man you want to unnerve will unnerve him. He will automatically believe either that you are crazy, or that the towel is alive in one of two ways. Literally that is, or teeming with germs.
6. NEVER, NEVER EVER FORGET YOUR TOWEL. You will be in a right horrible tight fix if you do.
7. Avoid throwing the letter Q into a privit bush, but bear in mind that there are times this is unavoidable.
8. Size does not matter when it comes to towels (see rule #1 for details).
9. Don't spit on the llama.