mic - he who is Ac-1D

2 Conversations

age early twenties / 25 in fact / sex male / hair dredded / eyes vaguely blueish-greyish sort of colour (depending on the weather), often bloodshot, yet sparkling with intelligence and romantic idealism (or is that just glazed over with cynical disillusion) / lives in new zealand or part of a parallel universe that exactly resembles new zealand (in fact thinking about it just now, the latter is far more likely) / is the eldest child of a brother and a sister / had a dad who was a really and truly great man but died of cancer / still has a mum whom he loves very much / is currently wandering the globe with girlfriend on an insane pilgrimmage to find nothing / takes recreational drugs on an experimental basis (or maybe just to annoy the little hamsters that run on the little treadwheels in his head) particularly lsd, magic mushrooms and marijuana / writes poems and songs / enjoys the writings of dna, tom robbins, hugh cook, william s burroughs, terry pratchett, greg bear, spike milligan / the music of sparklehorse, superchunk, future sound of london, straitjacket fits, resonance, kog transmissions, the beatles, the renderers, delirium, the pixies (s**t this could fill the whole page - let's just say he likes a lot of different stuff) / and the poems of katherine mansfield, harold norse, charles bukowski, and james k baxter / has a friend who lives in the house where james k baxter was born / rides buses / aren't you getting bored yet? / is a vegematarianism / no he doesn't eat fish / what about shellfish? / no not those either / has a very strange growth on the inside of his left ear / actually I just made that up because I'm running out of stuff to tell you about / any further information you may wish to obtain must be applied for from the SIS as they probably know a lot of things about me which I am not privy too. . .

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