A Conversation for Mormons

well duh...

Post 1


that is because they are almost the only ones who are smart enough to not drink

well duh...

Post 2


Almost. But then I think I am less likely to drink than a lot of Mormons you might find, particularly younger ones. smiley - winkeye

well duh...

Post 3


well, for some that may be true. it is against the religion to drink and do bad stuff like that. All the mormons i know, well not all, but most, would never consider drinking. i am one who would never drink no matter what the circimstances are. there are a few mormons that have strayed from the religion.. but then, what religion doesnt have people who strayed? i hear a lot of people say something like "i am catholic but i dont go to practice it" something like that. i find that rediculous. i dont understand why people say that. if you were really a catholic or anything else, you would practice the teachings and everything. your not really of that religion unless you practice it...if you know what i mean... but that is just my opinion. if i have offended anyone in some way (i dont know how but it's possible) i am sorry.

well duh...

Post 4


Hm, well, not offending me that's for sure. I don't claim any religion at all at this point, which is what makes my remark rather odd ("Just why the hell don't you drink anyway?").

Are you Mormon yourself CG? I didn't mean to offend you. And it's certainly not true of all, but apparently there are (particularly in Salt Lake) a fair number late teen/early 20s Mormon kids who are heavy partiers. That's what my offhand remark was based on.

I choose not to drink on my own, not for some religious rule. I don't find it appealing at all.

well duh...

Post 5


dont drink cause its bad for ur bodie

we were taught that our bodies are like temples and we should take care of them. if we put bad substences in our bodies we are not treating it right.

the few people i know in utah do not drink but utah people tend to take the religion less seriously because there are so many mormons around. they dont do all that they r told i guess. they just take advantage that they r in the heartland of mormonism and just being there is great but they forgot the whole purpose of life

and i would appreciate it if u did not swear...thanx

well duh...

Post 6


I apologize, both for the swear and for the bad construct of that remark. I meant it to indicate that that's the question I'm always having thrown at me, with about that tone. I'm not sure that was quite clear. smiley - winkeye

I'm generally pretty good at catching everything once someone has asked me not to swear, but I can't promise 100%, only close to it. smiley - winkeye I've gotten pretty used to saying pretty much anything most of the time.

well duh...

Post 7


well its ok. i am not one to hold a grudge. i am used to hearing all the swearing even though i shouldnt be. i mean everywhere i go and evrything i do there is always someone there or something that just hast to be vulger. its tough to be a mormon these days when everything is against you.

well duh...

Post 8


looks like i am gate crashing a conversation between mind and tongue here but hey! that is what i do best smiley - winkeye....i am mormon, well growing up i went to a mormon church all but three months of the year then when i stayed at my grandmothers during the summer i went to a catholic church with her....talk about confused smiley - winkeye......j/k.....i admit i do not go to church as regularly as i suppose i should and i do break some of the laws of the church (about once or twice a year i might have a drink or two, never drunk though) but that is off topic for what i was going to say ( i tend to ramble at times)....i have found that if you ever want a true friend or are ever in need for help just find a mormon, they are always ready and willing, one thing that i have found that i like about the religion is that unlike many others they do not 'hammer' you, if a missionary shows up at a non-members door and the person wants to talk about something else they are more than willing to do just that smiley - smiley....great bunch of kids they are smiley - smiley.....takes a lot of courage to go away for 2 years to a strange place where they don't know anyone.....
monsy smiley - fish

well duh...

Post 9


Well, you gate crashed a conversation that happened half a year ago. smiley - winkeye

But anyway, yes, I agree I think with your remark. I have worked with several Mormons and they are indeed willing to help. And I find the idea of the missionary work fascinating. Well not the actual work per se, but the idea of going away somewhere for 2 years to do it. Very interesting stuff, particularly if it's in another country.

well duh...

Post 10


hehe!! so i am a bit slow, what else is new smiley - winkeye...as for the missionaries, they must learn the language, culture and so on of the area they are sent to....not only must they do this but they must do it in a very short period of time, it is amazing to see how quickly they can learn what they need to in order to 'get by' in their 'new home', i for one could never do it...it took me longer to learn to tie my shoes smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

well duh...

Post 11


Well, one of my coworkers did his mission within the US, so there's definitely a variance to that. There's only so much new about going to a different part of the US versus going to somewhere in Europe or Asia or South America where they speak a different language and have totally different cultures.

well duh...

Post 12


this is true....except for the different attitudes there really is nothing new about going elsewhere in the US. i always 'felt' for the young men and women who were sent outside the US, has to be quite hard to learn everything they need to know in the short time before they arrive there....
monsy smiley - fish

well duh...

Post 13


My brother went to japan on his mission and has been back for quite a while... but what he learned there he still uses today...like the language, he used that a lot when he got back... i am sure he struggled with the life style and everything...but he is very happy that he went.

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