My retiriierment letter from being The Direct(o)er of The Central Intelligence Agency./

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Small intel brief, it's' Boom, Rest as follow's'....
My retiriierment letter:
1: I still owen, ( 100% in 1 % ownership), The Central Intelligence
Agency because I in/enhier'id it ( along with the rest of the government)
because my family started/created/made/designed/founded The Central
Intelligence Agency & the government,
2: I still work for the C.I.A. as a/an Sub-Direct(o)er,
3: I still keep my yearly Salary ( my yearly Salary was custom fitted),
4: I am still on The Nuclear/Atom Commission/ The Nuclear/Atom
Commission Board,
5: I still have ( part of my retiriierment package, plus I just got
control from another source due to something's') 100% in 1% control of
the D.D.F.F., Dummy Dum Fund's' Fund's''id,. I just got 100% in 1%
control this month of July 2005/2005AD.
6: I'm still a/an/ the top money invest(o)er for the government & since
my family started/created/founded/made/designed that part of the C.I.A.
too, ( I in/enhier'id it 100% in 1% owenership), I owen all part's' of
the C.I.A. & the government. ( Kinda re-dunit(e) I know).
7: The new direct(o)er of the C.I.A. should fit & pay is alway's'
salary/ yearly salary & alway's' is tax-free. Yearly salary should
start/begin at $ 2,000,000 to $ 3,000,000 & should not go over
$ 5,000,000 a/an year/ in a/an single year. Again the position is
alway's' yearly salary. The new direct(o)er of the C.I.A. has to be
U.S./American, has to have a/an military background, has to be U.S./
American government, & also/ as well has to have at least 15 year's'
of military &/or War experience, preferriablily a/an U.S./American
General/ U.S./American High-Ranking General. Lastly for this number;
U.S./American government ONLY ( prior inside experience)/ U.S./American
Military ONLY/ U.S./American ONLY!
8: I still do the e-con-o-mee stuff.
9: I'm still a/an D.C. Metro Police Officer & I'm still in the Military,
That should cover it, sometime I'll be back in D.C., Washington for
residence/home/house inside the government/ I'll be liviing in the
government/ keeping residence & a/an office inside the government in
D.C.,Washington. In 1982/1982AD The C.I.A. shut-down because some stuff
had to be re-wiriier'd, the Direct(o)er wasn't fitting ( not me/ wasn't
me that didn't fit), & some other stuff had to get changed. ( That
stuff just mention'd has been done already). I was The Direct(o)er of
The C.I.A., The Central Intelligence Agency, & The acting Direct(o)er
of The Central Intelligence Agency ( since this is my retiriierment
letter), since I was 13 year's' old when I started it, The C.I.A.,
back-up. It's' a/an older crowd, stuff that had to get done got done;
because I took care of it, I've been The Direct(o)er of The C.I.A. for
a/an while, & I was more then suit'd/fitting for the position.
Thanksx & Thanksx for the time.

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