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There's a place where dragons go

To cry their troubles away.

And they call it "Dragon Town"

Where the old dragons stay.

When wandering through the very heart of Europe, the range of mountains
in the east of France, called the Alsace, you may encounter the last
assembly of dragon-housings known in the civilized world (as the not
yet civilized world has no idea of what housings are, they will of course
not be able to tell you wether they have dragon-housings as well, so it might
be a good idea for you to have a look at the uncivilized world. Maybe you find
something or someone interesting there. If you don't know what or where the
uncivilized world is, just search the guide. There may already be an article
concerning this matter and if not, there will be one very soon...).

If you believe that dragons are tall, fiery creatures with sheds and big teeth
and a bad breath, then you're surely wrong. Of course they are tall, at least in
comparison to human beings like you and me, but just put a dragon next to a
747 and he will look like a fly in an ashtray. And dragons are not fiery any
more. They can still be used as cigarette lighter or for frying an egg, but they
simply got used to the benefits of the western wold, especially electricity and

But let's get back to Dragon Town, that miraculous little town only few human
beings have had the luck to see. It is nearly impossible to find it. You can go
and search for it, but you can as well take a cab in Paris and ask the driver to
get you there. It will not work, unless you really want to reach it, which you
can't, since you don't know what you'll find there.

The dragons are a bunch of really nice guys. They seldom have guests and they will not
hesitate to make a marvellous meal for you - or at least a meal marvellous to
them, because they like fresh wild boar with honey and mushroom-mousse. You will
be pleased to notice that they drink water (yes, really water, but they love
tea, so it might be a great idea to bring some with you) and clean their hands
before eating and after going to the stone.

In the evenings you should have a lot of time to listen to the dragon-tales.
You will know many of them, but no-one can tell a such a tale as good as a dragon
can. They simply know what they feel and they're pretty good at imagining what
we are like. The tales are very sad stories, because most of them are true and
you will learn that mankind has killed thousands of peaceful, witty and
intelligent creatures simply because they were tall, had blinking sheds and were
believed to be the keepers of enormous treasuries, which is but partly true. Every dragon carries a
treasure within his heart, but it is impossible to take it from him.

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