Nail Polish

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Nail polish. An extraordinary invention, if you ask me, which apparently you are. The great thing about it is that it's an instant way to draw attention to your fingernails, and away from anything else you might find unsightly.

A few tips on color:

  • There is no "best" color, but there are worst colors. These include orange, pink, and yellow. Possibly bright red.
  • Never buy nail polish for more than three dollars a bottle. Trust me. Twenty dollar nail polish is actually worse, because the stuff is so damn thick that it bubbles like the dickens.
  • Layer, layer, layer. Especially if you have cheap, thin, one dollar nail polish. Fascinating colors can be made this way.
  • Glitter sucks. If you must wear it, always put something under it, whether it be clear or colored. Otherwise, it's a bitch to remove.
  • Change colors once a week. This helps keep your nail polish interesting and from getting too ugly and chipped.
  • If you have more than twenty bottles, chances are you have several that are the same color. Trust me on this one too.

Well, that's enough shallow girl talk for now, I think. Till next time~ Love, Hooloovoo

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