Swimming Pool Haiku

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smiley - surfersmiley - footprintssmiley - towelsmiley - footprintssmiley - surfer

Hooray, a heat wave!

Swimsuit, flipflops, silly hat —

Don't forget your towel.

Who needs heaven? Yes,

I'm a heathen. All I want:

hot sun, cool water.

I'm happy to see

mama duck and her babies,

but not in the pool.

Oh dear, oh dear — what

on earth was I thinking when

I bought this swimsuit?!

Like hot dogs roasting

on a grill, perfectly brown —

time to roll over.

Children in nappies

should not be allowed to swim —

urg: yellow water.

Sunscreen is for wimps!

So what I'm a little red?

(... ow - ow - ow - ow - ow ...)

Swimming pool party:

food is ready, guests arrive.

Why is it raining?

On the pool bottom,

half of a bikini. There

is a story there...

Swimmers are looking

nervous — smartarse plays music

from the movie Jaws.

Why does everyone

leave the pool when it rains? They

are already wet.

A mischievous child

swims beneath the floating lounge

with a long needle.


diver tries a 'cannonball':

Atomic Wedgie!

A middle-aged guy

struts by sucking in his gut:

hope springs eternal.

Some words of wisdom:

before you leap from the high dive,

aim for the pool first.

smiley - surfersmiley - footprintssmiley - towelsmiley - footprintssmiley - surfer

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