What Is Success ?

1 Conversation

Success... is a ladder, whos steps are

I won't -> I can't -> I don't know how -> I wish I could -> what is it? -> I think I might -> I might -> Think I can -> I can -> I will -> I did.. And finally Satisfaction..

When you reach from " I won't " to " I did" ladder, you have success in your hands... and satisfaction comes as a gift..

The time taken to climb from "I won't" to "I can't" is longest, can takes months... then from "I can't" and "I dont know how" takes leass days, and once you reached "I wish I could" ladder, rest all ladder just depends on speed and wooosh in to "I will". But to reach "I wish I could" can take a year depending upon how intially afraid you were to take up the work.

It takes me minimum one full year to reach every time from this ladder to
the ladder I wish I could. Then in just few months you climb to I did...agani depending upon the time consuming in doing and processing the work, target you were aiming.

No matter if you fail in end... as failure is success of knowing how not to do that... Because satifaction and honesty is all that matters in the end. And you must always be proud of putting hard work and time and dedication.. Success is not compeleting the task, its your personal satisfaction. THE LAST LADDER

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