Pokémon emotion code 2.0
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
I have developed a code for Pokémon and other beings that cannot speak intelligibly to humans, which allows them to express basic emotions through a system of punctuation and brackets. Please feel free to use this system, but mention me or have a reference to my page when you do. I would like to recieve credit for it. Thanks!
First of all, there are seven basic emotions, expressed by brackets. These are:
< Happy >
( Sad )
> Angry <
[ Surprised ]
{ Disgusted }
~ Afraid ~
- Not/Lack of... -
The way the -Not- works is this: If it is used with another emotion, it indicates lack of that emotion. -> <- would be "not angry". If it is used on its own, it indicates lack of any distinct emotion, or calmness.
You can also combine other brackets to make more complex emotions. For example, ~[ ]~ would be startled.
The emotion brackets are used in two places: Around a name, and after a colon after a name. Around a name indicates what that person is feeling, while after the colon indicates what they are saying. Since the speech, by necessity, is a bit more complex, there are five allowed punctuation marks to go inside the brackets. These are:
"!" and "?" should be pretty obvious. "*" means yes, or an affirmative statement, "X" means no, or a negative statement. "..." indicates lack of any other punctuation, so < ... > means just generally happy. Once again, they can be combined.
Actions are indicated by the person's name (in the emotion brackets) followed by the action (in regular text, as it is not speech). Example:
(Person 1) : - ... -
-Person 2- : ( ? )
(Person 1) points to Person 3.
>Person 2< punches Person 3's lights out.
In this example. Person 1 is sad, and not saying anything. Person 2 asks what's wrong, and Person 1 points to Person 3. This makes Person 2 mad, and he punches Person 3.
That's about it. If you have anything to suggest, then suggest it. Thanks!