Gross recipe book.

2 Conversations

OK you get good recipe books and then what looks like a good recipe turns out to be a bad recipe!!
So why not have a Recipe book full of ones that sound gross but turned out to be nice?

Chocolate Pringles

1)Take one tube of plain Pringles
2)Cover in cooking chocolate (anykind will do...don't use chocolate like Galaxy or Cadburys it doesn't work!)
3)Cool in the fridge

Very Yummy and still the buggers at the Pringles website won't even try them out!!

Peanut Butter Milkshakes

1)Put vanilla ice-cream into a blender
2)Add a couple of splashes of milk
3)Blitz (if it isn't thick enough add more ice-cream!)
4)Add Peanut butter (as much as you fancy)
5)Blitz again
6)Pour into a tall glass and eat, drink and be merry with a milk moustache!!

It sound truley gross but think of a snickers and that's what it's like!

Twix Milkshake

1)Put vanilla ice-cream into a blender
2)Add a couple of splashes of milk
3)Blitz (if it isn't thick enough add more ice-cream!)
4)Add Twix, ice-cream ones work best but it doesn't really matter!
5)Blitz again (it may take a few seconds longer with a normal Twix.
6)Pour into a tall glass and drink it's very chunky but that makes it just that bit better!

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