Amazing Stir Fry
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The ingredients are as follows, and remember I never use measuring devices of any sorts, this allows for creativity and experimentation, one of the best inventions of the human brain; well that and dumbass luck.
Vegetables: This is pretty much anything you like tossing together, the essentials for me are Green and/or Red Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms; from here the possibilities are endless, cabbage, collie flower, broccoli, carrots, eggplant, water chestnuts(damn they are good in this), and well those are the regular ingredients, but feel free to experiment. Cook these all up together with some pepper and salt and butter, until it is tendered to your liking
Meat: This is the heart ingredient, and the magic thing to do with this is to make sure all the vegetables don't taste like the meat and visa versa, this is accomplished by cooking the meat in a separate pan then the veggies. The most common meats are Chicken and Beef, but once again this is an experiment! The meat should be sautéed with onions and garlic and some oil or butter. Don't burn the butter though, and if you want a little POW sprinkle on some cyanne pepper. And lastly lets not forget the Worchester sauce, feel free to pour it on, if you got the extra $$$!
Sauce: This is a very special ingredient, there are a couple different sauces I have made, but the best by far is a simple yet DELICIOUS mixture of plumb sauce and oyster sauce, or Soya sauce if you don't have this, mix these together and set off to the side. just mix em till they taste good!
Rice: The base of the whole dish, which adds the consistency and makes everything blend. Plain white rice is what I usually use, the best way I find is to cook it in the Microwave, not that minute rice crap, but put it in a cooking dish with a bunch of water, some butter and the secret here is chicken base, a half handful or so gives it a great taste. Cover it and cook it on low power level, stopping it and stirring it every few minutes, reduce the power level as you go along to avoid it bubbling over. (and it almost always will, but this guarantees a good dish)
Once the rice is done, cover the bottom of the plate with it, now scoop some veggies on top... looks good enough to eat now, now add the sautéed meat and then you can spoon on some of the sauce. Wow I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. This is still a great dish even when reheated, and not only does it taste great it's pretty good for you too, contains most of the proteins and minerals you need for a day.