Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough II (Petalburg to Rusboro)

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Okay hopefully now we've pounded those weaklings in our way with our level 8 or 9 duo (if you have 3 pokemon already i think your rushing things :) )and are in the lovely town of petalburg. Once you've healed the team and stocked up at the pokemart, go to the gym and visit daddy (if you dont that pesky guy will force you to, no matter WHAT). After the happy reunion a rookie trainer named Wally will walk in, you'll be forced to help him catch his first pokemon (he finds an elusive ralts on his first go!?!?!?!) and he will be of to Verenturf town. (By the way do not be temted to catch a Tailow or Wingull at this point, as far as flying pokemon are concerened you'll be way better off with a Zubat or Swablu later in the game).

Not much to be said about the route by the beach. Battle the trainers, level up the team and head of into peatleburg woods. Two pokemon to look out for and maybe catch around here.

Slackoth (rare)
Normal type, only attacks every other turn and is pretty weak, BUT! evolves into the energetic and powerful vigoroth at level 20 (ish) and into the incredibly powerful, super strong Slaking at level 36. Slaking also attacks every other turn but dont stop vigoroth from evolving! Slacking is stupidly strong!!!

Grass type, learns sleep powder and mega drain and stuff, evolves at level 21 in the speedy and powerful grass, fighting type Breloom. (Breloom only really makes a good team with mudkip as treeko is a grass type too and torchics evolved forms are both part fighting types aswell and its a bad idea to have two pokemon the same type)

Half way through the woods you will meet a Devon Corporation (Hoenn version of Silph) worker searching for an adorable shroomish without having much luck. He will be jumped by a strangely dressed man and his poochyena. If you have a ralts here, remember, poochyena is a dark type and therefor immune to its confusion attack so make sure your starter is fighting fit! Once the man is defeated you will be rewarded with a great ball. The Devon guy will then run off to Rusboro up ahead.

Keep going untill you emerge into the glorious sunlight (or not, depending on how cheery you are). A few trainers around here and a chance to pick up a water type marill (if you didn't choose mudkip to start with i would just catch a marill to help you with the next gym and then wait untill you can catch a Wailmer or Sharpedo). Don't forget to pick up the wailmer pail (watering can shaped like a wailmer) at the pretty petal flower shop and the TM bullet seed to teach to your Treeko or Shroomish before you head off. Halfway across the bridge you will encounter your first double battle. A double battle involves using your frist two pokemon in your list against 2 (or sometimes more) other pokemon. You tell your pokemon which moves to use on which pokemon (you can even make them attack eachother <biggrin>) or to switch with other pokemon or use items, you can use one pokemon's turn to heal its ally while it attacks. In a double battle the pokemon attack each in order of speed. (You can use all your pokemon in a double battle but you use two AT A TIME)

Welcome to the hustle and bustle of Rusboro, your first major city. Be sure to go into all the buildings and talk to everyone. A boy in one of the skyscrapers gives you a premier ball, how kind! (You can also get a premier ball free with every 10 pokeballs you buy at the mart, although i'm not sure how effective they are in comparison). At the school near the gym get a quick claw that will sometimes let your pokemon strike first in a battle, attach it to your slowest pokemon. And don't forget to go into the house by the pokemon center to get that timeless classic HM cut. None of the starter pokemon can learn cut (how annoying!) but you can teach it to your slackoth or shroomish (only when it evolves), but if you dont want either of these two just catch a Nincanda or Zigzagoon to do your cutting untill you find an ellegable pokemon.

The Rusboro gym! Yes, there it is attracting rookie trainers like caterpie to a big juicy oran berry (i like that simile <smiley>). The gym, as you may have heard, is a rock gym. A big punching bag for Treeko or Mudkip, a brick wall fo Torchic (hope you caught that Marill!). The gym is full of youngsters, hikers and their geodudes, The leader Roxanne herself is also equipped with a couple of geodudes and a mighty Nosepass! Nosepass has two moves to look out for, rock throw and rock tomb. Tomb is slightly more powerful and lowers your pokemon's speed (what with being surrounded by rocks and all). Once you win you will be rewarded with the Stone badge and the rock tomb TM. You'd best save this for a good rock pokemon, and you'll soon have a chance to catch some! You can teach this to any of the starter pokemon But DONT! None of them are rock types and will not use the move as well as a geodude or nosepass (that's right, pokemon attacks are 1.5 times srtonger when used by a pokemon of the same type)

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