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Partnerships are a wonderous thing, but sometimes thay can fall apart. Sometimes it can just be that you are no longer compatible, there is not necessarily another woman or another man it can be just that you are uncomaptable .

The pain that follows is tremendous, each one wondering what have I don to cause this could I have don anything different? Often there is nothing that can be don.
Yes see a councillor, don't bottle things up don't beet around the bush but face it head on. Dragging it out can just cause moor pain for you and your partner

Then ofcourse is the children dont use these as pawns thay have don nothing thay are the innocent party in all this. I have herd my friends say to me how can you do this to your children how? I think and its only a personal opinion it is better to be apart and love your children than to stay at home and not want to be there, the children will see the pain that is between you and your partner people really do underestimate the child's intelligence even a young child.

Some times I think you have to be a bit selfish you have to ask some times "What do I want ? "
Stretching it out can just cause moor pain than is necessary.

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